Other Organizations
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Other organizations and resources in the United States and around the world that support craniofacial differences from birth, accident, or disease.
Please contact us if your organization would like to be added to this list.
Mercy Ships (Hospital Ships) - www.mercyships.org
Projet Harar - www.projectharar.org
Smile Foundation - smilefoundationsa.org
Winning Smiles Ethiopia - winningsmiles.org
Face Up! - www.faceup.org.au
VAGA - Association for Congenital Facial Disorders - www.vaga.be
AboutFace - www.aboutface.ca
BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund - burnfund.org
Canadian Burns Survivors Community - www.canadianburnsurvivors.ca
Mamingway Burn Survivor Society - www.burnfundmb.ca/mamingwey
Transforming Faces - transformingfaces.org
Czech Republic
Be TCS - www.betcs.cz
European Cleft Organisation - europeancleft.org
Eurordis Rare Diseases Europe - www.eurordis.org
Emergenzi Sorrisi - www.emergenzasorrisi.it
Astitwa Nepal (Burn & Acid Burn) - astitwanepal.org.np
Stichting Eigen Gezicht - eigengezicht.nl
Aproquen - aproquen.org/en
South Korea
Hallym Burn Foundation - www.hallymburnfund.org:444
Asociación de Microsomía Hemifacial (Hemifacial Microsomia Association) - www.microsomiahemifacial.org
Hautstigma - www.hautstigma.ch
Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation - www.nncf.org/en
Sunshine Welfare Foundation - www.sunshine.org.tw/english
Yuzumle Mutulyum Dernegi (Happy Faces) - yuzumlemutluyum.org.tr
United Kingdom
Birthmark Support Group - www.birthmarksupportgroup.org.uk
Changing Faces - www.changingfaces.org.uk
Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) - www.clapa.com
Dan’s Fund for Burns - www.dansfundforburns.org
Facial Palsy UK - www.facialpalsy.org.uk
Future Faces - www.futurefaces.org.uk
Headlines Craniofacial Support - www.headlines.org.uk
Microtia UK - www.microtiauk.org
Nerve Tumours - nervetumours.org.uk
United States
ACPA Family Services - cleftline.org
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - www.asha.org
Ameriface - www.ameriface.org
Angel Faces - www.angelfaces.com
International Anaplastology Association - www.anaplastology.org
Apert Owl - www.apertowl.org
Born a Hero - Research Foundation - www.bornahero.org
Burn Survivors of New England - bsone.org
CCD Smiles - ccdsmiles.org
CdLS Foundation (Cornelia de Lange syndrome) - www.cdlsusa.org
Center for Parent Information & Resources - www.parentcenterhub.org
Children's Craniofacial Association - ccakids.org
Cleft Advocate - www.cleftadvocate.org
Cleftopedia.com - www.cleftopedia.com
Cranio Care Bears - craniocarebears.org
Craniosynostosis and Positional Plagiocephaly Support - www.cappskids.org
Custom Prosthetic Designs - www.prosthesis.com
Ear Community - earcommunity.org
Exceptional Parent Magazine - www.ep-magazine.com
Eye Cancer Network - www.eyecancercure.com
Faces of Children - facesofchildren.org
Face 2 Face Healing - face2facehealing.org
FACES Camp - facescamp.org
Face The Future Foundation - www.facethefuturefoundation.org
Facing Forward - www.facingforwardinc.org
HNC Living Foundation - www.hncliving.org
Hydrocephalus Association - www.hydroassoc.org
Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham Disease Alliance - www.lgdalliance.org
Many Faces of Moebius Syndrome - manyfacesofmoebiussyndrome.org
MedlinePlus - Facial Injuries - medlineplus.gov/facialinjuriesanddisorders.html
Moebius Syndrome Foundation - moebiussyndrome.org
myFace - www.myface.org
National Rosacea Society - www.rosacea.org
NewMouth - www.newmouth.com
Philly Phaces - www.phillyphaces.org
Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors - www.phoenix-society.org
PROS Foundation - prosfoundation.org
Stickler Involved People - stickler.org
Smile Train - www.smiletrain.org
The Sturge-Weber Foundation - sturge-weber.org
The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation - birthmark.org
WonderFIL Smiles - a Facial Infiltrating Lipomatosis community - wonderfilsmiles.com
CenterWatch (clinical trials) - www.centerwatch.com
Connect Med International - connectmed.org
EURORDIS - www.eurordis.org
Face Equality International - faceequalityinternational.org
International Anaplastology Association - www.anaplastology.org
ReSurge International - www.resurge.org
World Craniofacial Foundation - worldcf.org